Thursday, 16 March 2017

Role of ICT in Recent HIstoty : EDSA ( People Power Revolution)

                        EDSA( People Power Revolution)

The bloodless revolution erupted was so called EDSA People Power Revolution. February 25, 1986 marked a significant national event that has bees marked in the hearts and minds of every Filipino. The revolution  only tells us that nothing is impossible if we are united and fight as one No weapons only faith and prayers have been used. The Filipino people used to give back their freedom from President Ferdinand Marcos's iron hands.  

During EDSA( people power revolution)  communication is so hard because high technology is not yet created, but inspite of that media such as televisions. It serves as a bridge of bringing the information about the the happenings during  EDSA Revolution. And also the newspapers that serves as the bridge of bringing the news for those who don't have any televisions. 


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